Archive Mode. Call July | 10th Annual PleinAir Salon ended on 8/4/20, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
The bird is the focal point, it is the lightest and brightest element in the image, while the flowers are a darker complementary color that fades into the background. I've chosen to paint many flowers to fill the composition, so as to represent the plentifulness of summer.
My working process:
I arrange my still life objects into a composition, which I paint from life. My linen canvas is prepared with a layer of gesso, onto which I do a rough sketch of the main elements of the composition in oil paint. Then I roughly fill in the colors into the sketch. Once that has dried, I model the forms in a very general fashion, leaving out all details. I let the second layer dry. On the third layer I get more precise with the forms of the objects, aiming for a finished look. It is important to always keep the smaller details in context of the larger forms.